Tour Blog 2021
‘Birmingham tourism
needs street level support!’
By Jonathan Berg, Author & Tour Guide
Hopefully our walking tours are back for good as we restart post-lock down for the third time.
We had a team of six experienced guides and assistants before the first lock down in March
2020. We restarted weekend public tours again in mid-April 2021 and are going to be much
more reliant on UK tourists for a while. We have taken a cautious approach to the restart. We
donate a proportion of turnover to a charity which works on issues of homelessness and
street dwellers in Birmingham (see here…). A realistic financial model for the rest of the year is
key, as donating on a loss-making venture just feels wrong and is not sustainable.
Our post-lock down approach….
Ensure ticket prices reflect the market we are addressing, with lower numbers on tour
still giving a chance of breaking even.
Restart public tours with Jonathan Berg, the author of ‘Positively Birmingham’ running
them personally. We will bring back more guides as things progress, but training new
staff is a big commitment until we confirm the demand is coming back.
Give great value to our participants with a free copy of the 5th edition of our book
‘Positively Birmingham’, and our amazing range of Acme whistles at factory prices at
tour end.
Social media: Set up a new Facebook account (we got locked out of the old one) and try
and publish to all social media before and after each tour. Experiment with Facebook
and Google adverts.
Encourage more TripAdvisor reviews. We have been the #1 city tour for around three
years but have not promoted Google reviews and they are increasingly important .
So, how has is it going?
It is pretty hard to be honest The first six tours saw a total of 20 people, with between two
and six people per tour. However, each tour does enable us to promote the fact that we are
back and from that we can hopefully grow. Another issue is new entrants to the walking tour
market with lottery funded projects potentially impacting on our business with subsidised
tours and volunteer guides. The walking tour market, even with normal inbound tourism, was
always fragile in Birmingham, and we just don’t know what the footfall in the city is going to
be even when all Covid restrictions are lifted hopefully in late June.
Private tours are key
Like many walking tour businesses, private tours are an important part of the mix. This was a
growing area before Covid-19 closed us down. We have got our first new private tour
bookings which is very encouraging. Private tours are difficult to market to directly, with
enquiries coming from all sorts of surprise directions. Good internet presence and great
reviews on TripAdvisor are important to generate initial enquiries. Private tours often include
a lot of back-office work and multiple emails. Setting sensible rates and sticking to them is
important in not wasting a lot of time on bad business that never actually materialises.
We have over 25 years’ experience of running various types of walking tours in Birmingham
and since 2016 have run public tours most weekends throughout the year. The highs are
amazing – closing bookings with 30 people on a tour is a great feeling. Then the interesting
tours with just two guests in pouring rain, where you pretend it is a private tour and forget
about the bottom line! This is not Stratford or Oxford, and believe me trying to run regular
bookable tours, even just one each weekend afternoon, is hard work.
Birmingham tourism requires work at pavement level….
We have published ‘positive’ and tourist related books about the city but we are also very
honest about Birmingham on tour. At the moment some aspects of the city are embarrassing
to show visitors around and need urgent attention. We can no longer blame it all on Covid-19.
In particular, pieces of important public art and tourist-rich features at street level are either
still in store from developments that completed ages ago, are not working, or worse still, may
have gone forever. In particular:
We are often asked when Antony Gormley’s Iron Man is coming back into Victoria
Square. Gormley is huge on the world’s artistic stage and one of the most revered living
sculptors in metal. We have one of his earliest major pieces, which pre-dates the ‘Angel
of the North‘ in Gateshead and the amazing ‘Another Place’ installation on Crosby
beach. Iron Man was a major visitor attraction and much photographed stop on our
tours. It is bizarre that the in-place concrete foundations for the return of Iron Man are
reputedly hidden under the new slabs beside the Town Hall, while Iron Man remains in
store. Gormley was consulted when the artpiece was temporarily removed and agreed
to a new position for Iron Man. Iron Man was removed on the 5th September 2017 by
West Midlands Metro contractors. Now in 2021 it is time he came back.
The Golden Boys (Boulton, Watt and Murdoch) have their plinth in place but are still
staying away. These three pioneers of the Industrial Revolution help us tell the story of
the development of the Georgian town so well. The statue also enables us to discuss
Black Lives Matter and the clear evidence that people including James Watt and
Matthew Boulton were involved in the slave trade. We put up a giant poster while the
Symphony Hall extension was being built to help with our tour and mini versions have
gone up around the still empty plinth.
Chamberlain Memorial Fountain: There are issues with Chamberlain Square not
being a public space any more. However, one of the benefits of this now private square
should be that the water fountain should look great and with the money spent on
renovating it. Let’s hope that the water feature works into the future.
Broad Street Walk of Stars: Many of this eclectic mix of stars reflecting Birmingham’s
great and good of the leisure industry were removed while the Metro line was
extended. Now new pavements have been laid and they are nowhere to be seen.
All this suggests that the different organisations working on the city centre are just not talking
to each other.
Someone needs to shout up a little about all this. The drum-beating that we are an amazing
and growing tourism and cultural destination will soon restart. However, it is just not tenable
with such a clear lack of understanding of basic building blocks of the tourist economy at
street level.
Joined up thinking please
As we come out of lock down we need to see people coming back to enjoy the city centre and
visitor ‘experiences’ can help hugely. Walking tours are just one small part of that - but in most
cities with a tourism base they are considered an essential building block.
People increasingly comment on tour with us that we are not looking after our public space in
the central core. Now major projects have completed it is no longer possible for people or
organisations to hide behind old arguments of a city being redeveloped. Public art and basic
things of interest to see at street level have had shoddy treatment and urgent action and
some leadership is needed now to address this.
The root cause appears much more about people working in their own little ‘silos’ rather than
any lack of funding or a more sinister reason. Whatever the reasons someone needs to bring
people together to sort this out.
From the viewpoint of a walking tour guide and author of nine books on the city since 1994, I
would like to show off Birmingham for two hours on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Instead I am ending up as an apologist for a city that does not seem to care about simple but
important parts of its heritage.
Link to 2020 BLOG
Link to 2017-18 BLOG
Birmingham Slave Trade
The Boulton, Watt and Murdoch
statue plinth has been in place
for around 2 years. It was
decided not to put the gilded
statue back until the Symphony
Hall extension was
completed…no excuse now.
The first tours after lock down were
small but fun
We used a giant poster to show
what William Bloye’s 1956 gilded
statue of Boulton Watt and
Murdoch looks like.
Malkit Singh’s star, the World’s
biggest selling Bhangra artist,
allowed us to talk about so much
good in our city. Now missing
along with a number of other
stars since a new pavement along
the Midland Metro line on Broad
Street has been laid.
The Boulton, Watt and Murdoch
Statue (William Bloye, 1956) seen
outside the old Registry office.
The plinth was constructed at the
time Centenary Square was
Black Sabbath Bridge
A copy of John Baskerville’s Virgil
on the site of his print works.